Derek Egolf

egolf (dot) d (at) northeastern (dot) edu

I am a PhD student (since 2021) at Northeastern University and I'm advised by Stavros Tripakis. My primary research focus is the automatic generation of correct-by-construction systems from high-level specifications (synthesis). In the past this focus has included verified lexer generation. More recently it has been directed toward the synthesis of distributed protocols. Before coming to Northeastern, I completed my BS in Computer Science and Mathematics at Tufts University.

Derek Egolf


  1. Accelerating Protocol Synthesis and Detecting Unrealizability with Interpretation Reduction. Derek Egolf, Stavros Tripakis. 2024 (under review). PDF
  2. Efficient Synthesis of Symbolic Distributed Protocols by Sketching. Derek Egolf, William Schultz, Stavros Tripakis. FMCAD 2024 (to appear). ArXiV
  3. Decoupled Fitness Criteria for Reactive Systems. Derek Egolf, Stavros Tripakis. SEFM 2023. DOI
  4. Synthesis of Distributed Protocols by Enumeration Modulo Isomorphisms. Derek Egolf, Stavros Tripakis. ATVA 2023. DOI
  5. Verified ALL (*) Parsing with Semantic Actions and Dynamic Input Validation. Sam Lasser, Chris Casinghino, Derek Egolf, Kathleen Fisher, Cody Roux. NFM 2023. DOI
  6. Verbatim++: Verified, Optimized, and Semantically Rich Lexing with Derivatives. Derek Egolf, Sam Lasser, Kathleen Fisher. CPP 2022. DOI
  7. Verbatim: A Verified Lexer Generator. Derek Egolf, Sam Lasser, Kathleen Fisher. LangSec 2021. DOI